New York Energy Rates on the rise

As New York’s leading energy consultant, we closely follow the current trend of rising commercial electricity costs and home electricity costs. Our new data shows that New York’s average commercial electricity rates have increased from an average of 15.5 cents per hour (kWh), to more than 17 Cents per kWh. Many businesses are feeling frustrated and concerned about high energy costs today.
There are many factors behind the rising electricity prices in New York and one reason is New York’s increasing energy demand as the state’s population increases. Also, NY electricity rates are rising due to increased investments in renewable energy sources as well as infrastructure upgrades on the rise.
In New York businesses have another option, they can switch energy supply to a cheaper energy supplier. The state regulates utility companies, but competitive energy suppliers have more freedom to offer customers plans. Fixed-rate options can help stabilize energy costs and save money on lower New York utility bills.
As a top NY energy consultant, we understand how rising electricity rates can prove to be a burden for many families, especially those with low incomes. This is why my goal is to help clients find the most affordable energy solutions. I’m able to help clients reduce their energy consumption and ultimately lower their monthly bills by carefully reviewing their energy usage and supply costs.
We work with clients to find the most efficient energy solutions and we also educate clients about ways to reduce their energy consumption and lower utliity bills. A simple change like switching to energy efficient light bulbs and sealing air leaks can make a big difference in reducing energy costs to help lower New York utility bills for commercial accounts now.
In conclusion, many New York businesses are concerned about rising electricity prices. As an energy broker, however, we are available to help any clients navigate these difficult times and find the right energy supplier. Businesses can cut down on their energy costs by looking into energy-saving alternatives and taking steps to lower the cost of electricity.
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